Dog Mountain

MapTech: Go to>Place Finder: Dog Mountain

Resources: SCSO, EMS: SCEMS, Primary SAR: Wind River SAR

Ranger District: Mt. Adams

Access: State Highway 14, nine miles east of Stevenson, after mile post 53 (T3N, R9E, Sec 32, SW). The trailhead is on north side of State Highway 14. Two routes lead to summit of Dog Mountain.

Dog Mountain Map

Alternate Access: Take Berge Rd. north off Hwy 14 (MP49.8). Follow up past Home Valley Rd. until the powerlines cross the road – T3N, R8E, Sec 22, SW - turn right on dirt road and follow the main road. It is about six miles, and is rough and steep in places. Allow 45 minutes minimum travel time. The Augsburger Trail intersects the road from the left at a sharp angle – T3N, R9E, Sec 20, E/SE.

Comms: 155.160 offers good coverage. Cell service may be marginal, better on top, but very poor in the parking lot.

Length: 6 miles (9.7 km)

Elevation: High: 2,800 feet, Low: 150 feet

Special Conditions: Watch for poison oak and rattlesnakes along the trail. Not suitable for mountain bikes.

Description: This heavily used loop opportunity climbs rapidly in the first 0.5 mile, gaining 700 feet in elevation. The trail forks, giving hikers the option of heading north on the more direct, but steep route to the summit, or to the east for a longer but more gradual climb. The eastern fork climbs 2,000 feet in elevation in 2.5 miles to the site of a former fire lookout "Puppy Mt." A 1-mile loop trail to the summit provides easy access through flowered hillsides and offers an incredible view of the western portion of the Columbia River Gorge.

The northern route climbs steeply for 2.25 miles through a dense forest to the lookout site. The trail intersects the loop trail to the summit of Dog Mountain.

A cut trail to the Augsburger Trail heads down from the west side of the top loop. It will intersect the Augusburger Trail after about .9 miles. Head south (left) to return to the trailhead, or north (right) to intersect the back road.

SAR: Typically missions on Dog Mt. Are in the form of trail evacuation for broken ankles, heat exhaustion, snake bite, etc. A trail evacuation may be accomplished with a minimum of six rescuers (four on stokes, two on tagline), a stokes litter with a wheel, and a 200’ tagline for tree wrap belays. When possible, the center (Steep) trail is recommended as it is wider, and more direct.


For the purposes of mission communications, the following trail/area names are suggested:

Half Mile: Section of trail east (past the bathrooms) from parking lot to the Lower Junction.

Lower Junction: Where the Half Mile splits, the Scenic Trail goes east, and the Steep Trail heads north. There is also access to the Augsburger Trail using an abandoned trail to the west.

Scenic: From the Lower Junction, the Scenic Trail is to the right (east).

Scenic Viewpoint: Where the Scenic Trail hits a ridge which gives fairly clear views east and west. The trail then heads back into the timber.

Steep: From the Lower Junction, the Steep (older) Trail is straight ahead (north).

Upper Junction: This is where the Steep and Scenic Trails come back together about .5 mile below Puppy Mt.

Upper Half Mile: The trail between the Upper Junction and Puppy Mt.

Top Loop: From Puppy Mt. the trail goes both west or north to make a loop.

Augsburger Cut Trail: Connects the west end of the Top Loop with the Augsburger Trail.

Augsburger Trail: Trail west from the parking lot which wraps around the southwest flank of Dog Mt., and north to Augsburger Mt.

Cross country cut routes: At about the 1400 ft. level, there is a shelf, or shallow valley, running east and west. This may be used to cut cross country from the Scenic to Steep trails, or from the Steep to Augsburger trail.